Dan Slater yet again demonstrates his ability to lead by example.
On Saturday 1/15/2022, he attended and helped with a Creek clean-up project near the Cambridge St. bridge.
He had this to say:
"Good progress was made today cleaning up trash in Santiago Creek - mostly left by homeless. Thank you Santiago Creek Greenway Alliance for sponsoring monthly clean-ups.
We could use more volunteers - 3rd Saturday of every month. Hope to see you at the next one on February 19. I'll be there."
As Dan said, the next clean-up opportunities are every third Saturday, and the next opportunity is on February 19th.
If you want to do your part and help keep Orange looking green for generations to come, there are also two tree planting opportunities coming.
Save the dates: January 29 and March 12. Dan will be at the March 12 planting.
For more information on the volunteer efforts underway to keep Orange looking green, follow the link below:
